Name of Department:
Department of Computer Science
Name of Ag. Head Of Department:
Dr. E. E. Ogheneove
Contact E-mail:
Contact Phone Number(s):
The programmes in the Department have been designed to equip graduates with theoretical and practical skills for a variety of entrepreneurial careers in the Computing, Software Development, Information Technology, Management Information systems, Computer Networking and related disciplines.
The B.Sc programme is designed to instil in graduates, sound and critical understanding of the concepts and methodologies in Computer Science that meet current and anticipated needs of the society in these subject areas. Training is geared towards subject specific knowledge complemented with the acquisition of skills and field experiences that adequately prepare the graduate for self-employment, work in relevant government organizations and/or in the private sector as well. The training covered by the programme includes but is not restricted to the basics of ICT communication and people skills; emphasis on problem solving modules leading to acquisition of entrepreneurial skills relevant to the 21st century graduate, industry and society. At the end, the graduate is fully equipped for graduate work as well as being competent to apply basic scientific logic in the management of human and other natural resources in a sustainable manner.
To involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
To provide a broad and balanced foundation in Computer Science knowledge and practical skills.
To develop in students through an education in Computer Science a range of transferable applicable skills of information technology in all aspects of human endeavor.
To generate in students an appreciation of the importance of Computer Science in an industrial, economic, technological and social context.
To provide students with knowledge and skills base for further studies in computer science or multi–disciplinary studies involving Computer Science and Information Technology.
The Department of Computer Science offers a 4-Year B.Sc. (Hons.) degree programme in Computer Science. This is in addition to the following Post Graduate programmes:
M.Sc in Computer Science and
PhD in Computer Science.
The curriculum for the first year of the degree program is broad, consisting of general and science-based courses. The second year curriculum incorporates courses from mathematical disciplines, in order to give a good grounding in the mathematical sciences, and also introduce programming principles. The curriculum for the last two years is more specialized, aiming at producing graduates who are able to relate to the most current developments in Computing and Information Technology. In order to achieve these, the second semester of Year 3 and the following long vacation are devoted to a 6-month Industrial Training.
Admission into the degree programme will normally be through the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). The required UTME subjects for entry into the Department of Computer Science are English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. The minimum requirement for entry into a Bachelor Degree Program in the Department is the SSCE or WASC or GCE O/L or equivalent with credits (in at most two sittings) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Attention of each student is drawn to the document “Statement of Academic Policies” for the University of Port Harcourt general entry requirements.
GES 100.1 Communication Skill in English
The course seeks to develop in the students a well-informed attitude to the English Language and to equip them with the knowledge of English communication and study skills that will facilitate their work in the University and beyond.
GES 102.1 Introduction to Logic & Philosophy
A brief survey of the scope, notions, branches and problems of philosophy, symbolic logic, specific symbols in symbolic logic, Conjunction, Affirmation, negation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statements, Law of thought, The method of deduction, using rule of inference and bi-conditions, Quantitative theory.
MTH 110.1 Algebra and Trigonometry
Element notions of sets, Subsets, Union, Intersection, Compliments, Venn Diagrams. Real Numbers Integers, Rational and Irrational, Mappings of a set. Real functions and their compositions. Quadratic functions. Cubic function, Roots of quadratic and cubic functions. Partial fractions. Equations with complex roots. Complex number. Geometric representation of complex numbers, De Moirvers, Series and sequences, Principle of mathematical induction, Binominal theorem. Trigonometry functions of angles. Circular functions. Addition theorems. Double and half angles. PRE-REQUISITE (O/LEVEL OR SSCE MATHS).
MTH 120.1 Calculus
Function of a real variable, graphs, limits and idea of continuity, The derivative as limit of rate of change, Techniques of differentiation, Extreme curve sketching; integration as an inverse of differentiation, Methods of integration, Definite integrals, Application to areas, volumes.
PHY 101.1 Mechanics and properties of matter
Topics covered in this course will include the following: Motion in one dimension, motion in a plane, work and energy, conservation laws, collision, solid friction, rotational kinematics and rotational dynamics, equilibrium of rigid bodies, oscillations, gravitation, fluid static and fluid dynamics, Surface tension, viscosity and hydrostatics.
CSC 180.1 Introduction to Computer Science and BASIC Programming
History and development of computers: functional components of a computer, characteristics of a computer, Number systems, Boolean Algebra, Flowcharts; algorithms; Symbolic names, lists and arrays, subscripts, expressions and control statements in computer programming, Programming in VB.Net, Computer application, strategy for computer programming, Rules that guide the writing of VB.Net programs/statements. Library functions, User-defined functions, Subprograms & subroutine in VB.Net.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to inculcate in students’ the ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CHM 130.1 General Chemistry
Basic principles of matter and energy from the chemist’s point of view, A broad based course suitable for students from various schools as well as those from the Faculty of Science, Topics to be covered include matter and units of measurement, atomic theory and molecular structure, stoichiometry, the periodic classification of the elements, atomic structure, chemical bonding, thermo chemistry, properties of gases and gas laws, solids, liquids and solutions.
FSB 101.1 General Biology 1
Characteristics of life, Investigations in Biology, the scientific method; the substance of life, the unit of life (including methods of study); activities of cells, the control of metabolic activities; basic principles of inheritance (Genetics), Evolution.
GES 101.2 Computer Appreciation and Application
History of computers, Generation and classification of computers; IPO model of a computer; components of a computer system hardware and software; programming language; organization of data; data computer techniques; introduction to computer network. Use of Keyboard as an input device: DOS, Windows, Word Processing, and Spreadsheet: Application of Computers to Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education and Management Sciences.
CSC 182.2 Computer Applications
Overview of application packages, modes of acquisition, criteria for package acceptability, Application software family, a typical word processing software- Ms Word document creation, save, text, editing, formatting, creation and handling of tables. Ms. Excel document creation, editing, formatting and handling of records. A typical database management system packages – Access. Functions of DBMS. Advantages of DBMS, types of DBMS. Advantages of DBMS over manual processing spread sheet- feature of spread sheet, limitations areas of application of spreadsheet, Desktop publishing, software packages-CorelDraw or PageMaker, features, Educational packages (CAL, CAI), PowerPoint, Microsoft outlook.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to develop students’ ability to solve problems related to the application packages taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the student.
MTH 114.2 Introduction to Sets, Logic and Algebra
MTH 114.2a Set Theory – with proofs of set theoretic theorems involving union, intersection, and compliments of sets, Difference sets, De Morgan’s Laws, Power Sets; Poset Diagrams, Cardinality of a set, Product sets and relations on sets, Logic – Statements and statement formula, connectives and truth tables. Implication and equivalence. Quantifiers and quantified statements truth functions. Substitution and replacements in statements. Elementary notions of prepositional and predicate logic proofs. Rules of inference Technology (direct, indirect,
eliminations and contradiction).Demonstration of proof.
MTH 114.2b
Relations and Equivalence relations on a set Mappings – types of mappings (injective and subjective and bijective mappings. Inverse mappings, composition of mappings. Permutation on a set.
Peano axioms. Integers – divisibility, division algorithm, g.e.d., congruence modulo, Diophantine equation, Primes and prime decomposition. Chinese remainder theorem.
System of Linear Equations, Solution of Linear Equation, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equation. Row operations on matrices and echelon forms. Determinants of a matrix PRE-REQUISITE (SSCE/MTH 110.1)
MTH 124.2 Coordinate Geometry
Straight lines, circles, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola. Tangents, normal. Addition of Vectors. Scalar and Vector products. Vector equation of a line and place. Kinematics of a particle. Components of velocity and acceleration of a particle moving in a plane. Force, momentum, laws of motion, under gravity projectiles, resisted vertical motion, elastic string, simple pendulum impulse. Impact of two smooth sphere. Addition of Vectors.
GES 103.2 Nigeria Peoples & Culture
The overall objective of this course is to help students understand the concept of culture and its relevance to human society especially as it relates to development. In more specific terms, the course will be designed to help the students know the history of various Nigerian cultures beginning with pre-colonial Nigeria society. Colonialism constitutes a vital watershed in Nigerian history. Thus the course will identify the influence of colonialism on Nigerian culture, and focus on contemporary Nigerian culture explaining issues that relate to the political economic, educational, religious and social institutions in the nation. The course outline includes the concept of culture; pre-colonial culture and languages of Nigeria; principles of kinship, descent and marriage in Nigerian culture; the colonial impact; Nigerian economic institutions; education and development in Nigeria; religion in Nigerian culture; culture, environment and health practices in Nigeria; intergroup relations.
PHY 112.2 Introducing to Electricity and Magnetism
This is the introductory course on Electricity and Magnetism Topics covered all will include: the Electric field, Gauss’s Law, Electric potential, Capacitor and Dielectric, current and resistance electromotive force and circuits, the magnetic field, Ampere’s Law, faraday’s Law of induction.
Text: Electromagnetism and Modern Physics for physical Science by Evwaraye and Mgben.
PHY 103.2 Laboratory Practices 11
The experiment carried out in the course will cover areas discussed in PHY 112.2. These experiments include verifications of the current electricity, measurement of the electrical properties of conductors, D.C. and A.C. circuit properties, series and parallel resonant circuits, transformer characteristics and other electrical circuit problems.
MTH 210.1 Linear Algebra
Vector space over the real field. Subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension. Linear transformations and their representation by matrix – range, null space, rank. Singular and non-singular transformation and matrices. Systems of linear equation and change of basis, equivalence and similarity. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Minimum and characteristic polynomials of a linear transformation (Matrix). Caley-Hamilton Theorem. Bilinear and quadratic PRE-REQUISITE) MTH 110.1 or MTH 114.2).
MTH 230.1 Modern Algebra
Review of mappings relations, permutations, equivalence relations on a set. Review of Integers – divisibility, division algorithm congruence modulo and Diophantine equation. Binary operations, algebraic structures- groups, semi groups, ring groups with examples, groups and sub groups. Cossets in groups. Lagrange’s theorem and application. Cycle sub groups and cyclic group. Normal sub groups. Hormorphism of groups quotient groups. Concrete examples of groups.
STA 260.1 Introductions to Probability and Statistics
Definition of probability, frequency and probability of events. Equally likely events counting techniques. Conditional probability. (Baye’s Theorem) independent events, random variables, probability distributions. The central limit theorem, mathematical expectation, moments, the mean, variance, variance of a sum, covariance and correlation, conditional expectation. Analysis of variance plus contingency table plus parametric inference, Pre-requisite (MTH 110.1/MTH 120.1).
MTH 270.1 Elementary Numerical Analysis
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations. Curve fitting. Error analysis. Interpolation and approximation. Zeros or non-linear equations ‘to one variable’. Systems of linear equations. Numerical differentiation and integral equations. Initial value problems for ordinary differential equation. Prerquistic1: MTH120.1.
CSC 280.1 Introduction to Computer Programming
Principles of programming. Program design, algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo codes. Programming with FORTRAN: declarations, input/output, loops, decisions, arithmetic/assignment statements. Arrays and subroutines.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to develop the students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to inculcate Entrepreneurial skills to the students.
CSC 281.1 Computer Systems Fundaments
The Von-Neumann computer. Simple computer organization. ALU Registers: accumulator register, instruction register, instruction pointer. The instruction fetch-execute cycle. Microinstructions, Microprograms, Microprogram Execution. Hard-wired Microprograms. Memories: memory cycles, memory buffer register, word lengths, memory hierarchies-RAM, LI cache, L2 cache. The bootstrap loader. Loaders and link editors.
CSC 283.1 Information Systems and File Structures
Data hierarchy: bits bytes, data types, records, files. File design: serial and sequential files, random and index sequential files. File maintenance: master files, transaction files, etc. Tape and disk devices: timing, record blocking, etc.
CSC 284.1 Introduction to Logic Design
Numerical representations; Digital and analogue systems; Representing binary quantities-fixed number representations, floating-point representations; Digital circuits/logic circuits; Parallel and serial transmission; Memory; Digital computers. Binary-to-decimal conversions decimal-to-binary conversions; Binary arithmetic; BCD code; Alphanumeric codes-ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode, etc.; Parity codes, parity method for error detection.
CSC 288.1 Structured Programming
Principles of good programming style, expression; structured programming concepts; control flow-invariant relation of a loop; stepwise refinement of both statement and data; program modularization (Bottom up approach, top-down approach, nested virtual machine approach); languages for structured programming debugging testing verifying code inspection; semantic analysis. Test construction.
Program verification, test generation and running. The use of PASCAL to illustrate these concepts. String processing, Record Structures, file Processing, Dynamic data types for lists, etc. Recursion for tree search, sorting, etc. writing efficient programs. Turbo PASCAL project management facilities.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class, before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to improve students’ ability to solve problems using the programming technique taught and to enhance the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 282.2 Database Programming
Characteristics of business programming. Records, files. File creation, accessing. Record accessing, insertion, updating, deletion. Searching and retrievals. Programming with dBase, and MS Access, or other suitable language. Introduction to SQL.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to develop students’ ability to solve problems related to the application of database taught and to inculcate Entrepreneurial skills to the students.
CSC 285.2 Digital Design and Microprocessor
Practical design and operation of the laboratory equipment. Digital signal generation and transmission. Sequential circuit contd. Flip flips or latches. Registers and counters. Arithmetic circuits-parallel and serial binary adders-half adders and full adders. Binary substracters-half subtractors and full subtractors and synthesis of simple synchronous control mechanisms. Data and address bases: Addressing and accessing methods. Memory segmentation , practical methods of timing-pulse generation. Comparison of Commonly used codes e.g ASCII, BCD, EXCESS-3 etc parity generation and detection; code generators.
CSC 286.2 Data Structures
Bits, Bytes, words, linear structures and lists structures; arrays, tree structures, sets and relations, higher level language data types and data-handling facilities. Techniques for storing structured data list, files, tables trees, etc., their space and access time properties, algorithm for manipulating linked lists, binary, b-trees, b*trees, and A VIAL trees. Algorithm for transversing and balancing trees.
CSC 287.2 Object Oriented Programming I
Preprocessor directives, library naming and access, comments, statements. Data types, constants, variables, expressions and assignment statements. String class. Input/output statements. Selection, repetition. Functions. Arrays. File manipulation, Pointers, and Classes. Use C language, or C++ to illustrate these concepts.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to inculcate in students’ the ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to instill the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
MTH 224.2 Mathematical Methods 1
Review of differentiation and integration and their applications and mean value theorem. Taylor series. Real-valued functions or two or three variables. Partial derivatives chain rule, extreme Lagrange multipliers. Increments, differentials and linear approximations. Evaluation of line, integrals, multiple integrals. Integrals transform and applications. Pre-requisite: MTH 120.1.
MTH 250.2 Elementary Differential Equations
First order ordinary differential equations. Existence and uniqueness. Second order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. General theory of nth order linear equations. Laplace transform solution of initial-value problem by Laplace transform method. Sturm Liurville problems and applications. Simple treatment of partial
differential equations in two independent variables. Application of O.D.E. to physical, life and social sciences. Pre-requisite: MTH 120.1
MTH 262.2 Mathematical Statistics 1
Distribution of random variable, the probability density function, the distribution function, the moment generating function, characteristic function, factorial moments. Chebyshev’s inequality.
Conditional probability and Stochastic independence marginal and conditional distributions, the correlation coefficient covariance. Distribution of functions of random variables. Sampling theory, transformation of variables of the discrete and continuous types, the t and F distributions, the moment generating function technique. Pre-requisite: MTH 260.1
GES 300.1 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
History and the development of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur Qualities and characteristics; the entrepreneur and business environment; identify business opportunity; starting and developing new business ventures; Legal forms business ownership and Registration. Types of business Ownership; Feasibility Studies; Role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) in the Economy; Role of government on Entrepreneurship; Business Location and Layout; Accounting for SME: Financing SME; Managing SME; Marketing in SME; risk Management of SME; Success and Failure factor of SME; Prospects and Challenges of Entrepreneurship; Ethical Behaviour in Small Business.
CSC 395.1 Introductions to Software Engineering
Introduction; Software Lifecycle, Software Methodologies and Methods, Agile development, Estimation, Software planning, Risk Management, Requirements Engineering, Goal Modeling, UML in requirement analysis, principles of object-orientation, design patterns.
CSC 382.1 Computer Architecture 1
Basic logic design and Circuits; Data representation; instruction formats; Computer Architecture; Study architecture of an actual simple mini-computer. Assembly languages and assemblers-the two-stage operation of the assembler. Machine instruction sets. Bootstrap Programs and Link Editors.
CSC 394.1 Operating Systems
Principles of operating systems; Types of operating systems, batch, multi- programming multiprocessing. Processes, inter processor communication, synchronization, deadlocks storage management and resource allocation illustrated from a popular operating system such as UNIX.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 396.1 Automata theory, Computability and Formal Languages
The role of programming language. Benefits of high level language. Programming paradigms: imperative, logic, functional and object-oriented programming. General/multi purpose programming languages. Language design and language evaluation criteria. Program structures and representations. Types, objects and declarations. Expressions and statements. Subprograms. Data structures. Input/output. Introductory notions in formal languages. Relationship to programming languages. Issues in programming languages; syntax, semantics, language constructions – declarations, statements, variables binding, loop. Blocks, procedures, parameter parsing, scope of variables. Grammars, productions, parsing and pattern matching. Translating infix and postfix expressions.
CSC 397.1 Computational Method
Computational Geometry-convex hull, triangulation, curves and surfacing. Formal specification, Bunches and bunch theory, pigeonhole principles, surjection, injections, inverses, composition, reflexivity, equivalence relations, transitivity, cardinality – relate practical examples to appropriate termination detection. Implications of uncomputability, tractable and intractable problems. Optical computing – integrity models such as Biba and Clark – Wilson.
STAT 370.1 Operations Research
Definition and scope of operations research. Elementary inventory models, replacement maintenance and reliability problem. Linear programming formulations and simplex methods. Allocation problems (Simplex, assignment and transportation algorithms) and their applications to routing problems. Queuing theory, game theory, sequencing problems. (Pre- Requisite MTH 260.1)
CSC 300.2 Industrial Training
The course is expected to give students an opportunity in public and private institutions/establishments during the second semester and the long vacation to learn and gain knowledge on the basic and applied aspects of Computer Science. All students are attached to the organizations for six months whereas those on probation are not eligible for the training.
CSC 480.1 Database Management
Basic concepts. Data integration. Data independence. Functions and architecture of a DBMS. Data models. Storage structures and access strategies. Relations and relational operations. Relational algebra and calculus. Normalization. Security and integrity issues. Relational systems, INGRES, DBASE entity – relationship model. E-R. diagrams. Semantic and semantic nets. IKBS’s
CSC 481.1 Object-Oriented Programming II
Object-Oriented programming structures and principles. Practical illustration with Java, Ruby, and Python programming languages. Preprocessor directives, library naming and access, comments, statements. Data types, constants, variables, expressions and assignment statements. String class. Input/output statements. Selection, repetition. Functions. arrays. Files manipulation. Classes and object-oriented design.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class, before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to inculcate the Entrepreneurial skills to the students.
CSC 482.1 Compiler Construction
Translators; compilers, assemblers, interpreters, preprocessors. Functional blocks of a complier. The compilation process – Lexical analysis, syntax and semantic analysis. Code generation, code optimization. Error detection and recovery. Lexical analysis, transition diagrams. Review of context – free grammars. Parsing context –free expressions. Top-down and bottom-up praising. LL(K) & LR parsing. Operator –precedence paring. Symbol table structures.
CSC 483.1 Algorithms and Complexity Analysis
Design and specification of algorithms. Efficiency of algorithms: running and memory usage, polynomial time and super-polynomial time algorithms. Analysis of algorithms: best-case, average-case, worst-case analyses. Asymptotic programming, randomized algorithms. Searching: sequential and binary search. Sorting algorithms: bubble, insertion quick sort, merge sort, heap sort. Exponential algorithms: performance optimization.
CSC 486.1 Systems Analysis And Design
Introduction to systems analysis, structured and object-oriented analysis and design, structured and object-oriented tools, the systems life cycle. Organizational structure. Systems investigation. Feasibility studies. Determination and evaluation of alternatives designs of input, and output. Documentation. Choice of system characteristics (Hardware and software). Testing, conversion. Parallel runs. Evaluation of system performance. Maintenance.
CSC 496.1 Programming Languages (4th and 5th Generation)
Introduction to 4th and 5th Generation Programming Languages, The role and comparison of programming languages generations. Benefits of Fourth and Fifth Programming languages. Data manipulative – based fourth generation language- Structured Query Language Programming, logic based Fourth Generation Languages-Ruby and /or Python, Advanced Queries and Object-Oriented Query handling. General purpose/multi-purpose representations in 4GL – Input/output, Types, objects and declarations. Expression and statements. Methods, Practical Illustrations.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 498.1 Computer Network and Data Communications
Introduction, waves Fourier analysis, measure of communication channel characteristics, transmission media, noise and distortion, modulation and demodulation; multiplexing TDM FDM and FCM. Parallel and serial transmission (synchronous vs anachronous). Bus structures and loop systems, computer network. Examples and design consideration: data switching principles; broadcast techniques; network structure for packet switching, protocols, description of network e.g. ARPANET, DSC etc.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis the implementation of the techniques and constructs taught in the class, before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students to apply techniques taught to solve problems related to the environment and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 491.2 Computer Modeling And Simulation
The concepts and techniques used in computer modeling and simulation; simulation method (methodology) and a suitable language; generation and transformation of random numbers; parameter estimate design experiment; factorial design optimization.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 492.2 Computer Graphics
Hardware aspect; plotters microfilm, plotters displays, graphic-tablets, light pens, other graphical input aids. Facsimile and its problems. Refresh display, refresh buggers, changing images light pen interaction. Two and three dimensional transformation perspective. Clipping algorithms, hidden live removal, Holden surface removal; Warnock’s method, shading, data reduction for graphical input. Institution to hand writing and character recognition. Curve synthesis and fitting. Contouring ring structures versus doubly linked lists. Hierarchical structures; Data structure; organization for inter-active graphics.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students’ ability to solve problems related to the programming language taught and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 493.2 Internet and Web applications
The definition of the internet. The origin, history and development of the Internet. The network protocol used on the Internet- the Internet protocol. The Five layers of the TCP/IP protocol, stack-application layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer. The Internet components: Most used facilities in the Internet; Email, U-tube, View data system, Telecom fencing. etc The Internet Service provider (ISP), Intranets, Extranets, Web master. Governance of the messaging (e-mail), electronic data interchange (EDI), Areas of internet application- teleworking, distance education, virtual (e-learning) classroom, entertainment, sports, news, e-governance, etc Internet age system. Advantage and Disadvantages of the Internet. The lecturer may opt to use HTML or JAVA scripts for illustrations.
Practical Section
A student must pass a practical course to be administered in the computer laboratories which will emphasis on the implementation of the programming constructs taught in the class before he or she will pass the course. The aim is to encourage students to solve problems related to the topics covered and to increase the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
CSC 494.2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Definition of Artificial Intelligence. Scope and applications of Artificial Intelligence. Problem solving techniques; searching. Logic and inference knowledge-base systems. Natural languages. Pattern Recognition and vision systems. Expect system-architecture, construction and use.
CSC 495.2 Computer Architecture II
Memory system; general characteristics of memory operation / Technology – magnetic recording, semiconductor memory, charge coupled devices, magnetic bubble; memory addressing, memory hierarchy, virtual memory control systems, Hardware control, introduction to the methodology of fault-tolerant computing.
CSC 470.2 Project
The students should carry out a research work on a computer-based or related problems which should be structured to have five chapters: chapter one – Introduction, chapter two- Literature Review, chapter three – Analysis and Design, chapter four – Implementation and Documentation, and chapter five – Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations, followed by References, Appendix A – Program code; and appendix B – sample outputs. The students should be able to write a sizable code in the course of their research. The oral defense must be power point slide presentation.
CSC 497.2 Project Management
Team Management, Project Scheduling, Software measurement and estimation techniques, Risk analysis assurance, software configuration management, project management tools.
Students should note that all prescribed courses must be passed before graduation. If there is any failed course at the end of the first 4 years, an extra year has to be used to remedy the failed courses. This process is repeated at the end of the 5th year if a course is still not passed. At the end of the 6th year, the student must leave the university with either a “pass out” or a “fail out”, depending on the final CGPA.
A student who abandons his/her programme after 4 years will earn a grade of “F” for each course being carried over in the 5th and 6th years. The student will of course either “pass out” or “fail out” at the end of the 6th year.